Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Thursday, 1 September 2011

Little Red Riding Hood and The Gentle Wolf

I have been busy as a bee these days, working on a handful of new paintings to be released around mid to late September, and it seemed about time I start sharing them with you :)
And here is the first one:
Little Red Riding Hood and The Gentle Wolf, acrylics on canvas, 10 x 12 inch., 13 x 15 inch. framed
 However Little Red Riding Hood had long outgrown her fear of a particularly cunning creature that roamed the woods, she was much surprised to find that one peculiar wolf of gentle manners - and no interest whatsoever in her grandmother's wardrobe - would chaperone her to her weekly visits to her cottage.

A lovely September to everyone! I am so overjoyed that Autumn is finally here :)